Sunday, May 07, 2006


I've been asking for a job at Netto. Almost, at least, I didn't have my CV saved at this computer so I suppose I'll have to do it againg when I get to school tomorrow. Netto! I never thought I'd sink this low...

I guess this is just another sign that I'm way of about the future. The nineth of June I'll be stranded with no income and no future, the day after my graduation my life's fucked. It's as simple as that. I've even thought of "beeing sick" or make sure I'll not pass al my courses, so that I can go to school another year. Anything but this...

It feels like flying in three hundred kilometres per hour with your head first towards a fucking big concrete wall. If i don't do something drastic very soon my head aand that wall will meet in something that can only end with the wall standing still, with the contents of my brain smashed all over it. I really do hate this.



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