Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sweet dreams!

I've had quite a nice evening. Came home from the office a bit later then I's hoped for, but Sebbe had made dinner - noodles and some kind of vegetable tomato sauce with pineapples and potato in it - and it was great! Chris also arrived, and we had a nice family dinner in front of the TV watching our latest rental movie from Box Man. It's an anime called "Ghost in the Shell" and it was awesome! You have to see it!

After the movie we felt like doing something fun, so we played a bit of spontaneus role playing games. Chris was the game master, and me and Sebbe played some newbies in Vampire. Kind of fun, a bit frightening at times but very inspiering. I just have to play more vampire, with more worked through characters and a longer campaign. I don't know where I'm supposed to find the time for it - all the time I save for RPGs it reserved for my own campaign in Eon - but I suppose that will be solved. At least that's one plan for the summer. Better then nothing...

Sweet dreams!


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