Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Some stuff going on

I'm trying out this "blogger in beta" thing. Canät really see the difference, but I guess it's out there somewhere, just out of reach. Doesn't really matter to me... Can an yone tell me exactly what I've signed up for? 'Cause I can't seem to find out.

this weekend it was the winter conference, in some forest 40km outside of Jönköping. It was lovely! I mean, the lectures was good even though I new most of it already, and it was really fun to meet all of these people again. Me and nefretel had that relationship talk that I guess has to come somewhere up the road for evveryone, and decided to define ourselves as partners. I love it, I really do! I mean, it's a little bit scary not to be single again, a little bit all of a sudden, but I realy realy do like nefretel sooo much. I really think we can make this work. Yey!

Other things going on... I've bought comics for four hundred SEK. I'm nuts. But I need them for my school project, I'm going to read some classical hero comics and analyse them with a heteronormative and gender perspective. It'll really be a lot of fun, I think, even though it's a lot to do. A great lot to do. I'm behind with loads of stuff right now, so it felt good to choose something I really love to do, like reading comics. That way it'll probably be easier to get it done. I hope.

Other stuff... Well, if you speak swedish you could check out sydnytt and "Måndagsporträttet" (the monday portrait) about me. And watch the movie "Jesus Camp" (traier), it's the most scary thing I've ever seen.

I can't figure out anything more to write, so I'll stop here.


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