Friday, June 09, 2006

Graduation yesterday

I'm going to start this post with saying that I'm happy I write this today and not yesterday. The persons who got messages or saw me yesterday knows why. The rest of you can probably guess ;)

I graduated! I finally did it! And when it was actually happening it didn't feel that bad. And during the evening, when me and my friends all got more and more drunk and we celebrated at Indigo just partying our asses off I actually felt great! Not often that happens, so I'm definately satisfied.

Presents I remember: Two kinds of chocolate, a couple of interesting books, two good looking necklaces, a gift card for a new piercing jewelry, a pine apple, a garlic card, a major bunch of flowers, a couple of silly soft animals in strings to put around the neck (one of them a frog palying the classical student song, but playing it wrong. Argh!), loads of gift cards, a digital camera, two board games and - of course! - money. About 3500:-, pretty good I think... And the best part is that all the gifts were personal and fun, and none of them were "feminine" (witch was a great risk when my relatives bought me necklaces, you should know that for sure).

Today I've just been hanging around at home, made a quick visit to the school to return some books and spent some time at my parents house, mostly to eat left over crisps, watch some telly and get my sleeping bag and other useful stuff. And all the gifts :)

I wonder a bit: how many times will I be able too drink this much (or more), and get up the next day without a trace of a hang over? Got a bit of a stomach ache today, but not much worse then I could have any day, especially after eating bad. Guess I'm lucky...

Just playing with words without anything to write. Silly habit, this to write my blog as a diary, telling everyone what I've been doing like that would be of any interest to anyone. I know I'm supposed to write interesting things, to tell my theories about the world, and so on. But I just can't. Is that so strange? The words usually always do as I tell them to, but not when blogging. Anyone got any ideas of how to fix this? Anyone even read this long?

I'm being so fucking stupid. The only thing less interesting to read about then my day must be to read about how bad I am with blogging.

I'm sorry.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Such strange day

Today's been a strange day. Woke up pretty early when dad called - he wanted to leave my bag with all the clothes he washed for me, and what's to say to that? Of course, that ment I couldn't go back to sleep. Curled up in my bed reading the latest number of The Phantom instead. Isn't mr Walker amazing? I sure think so...

Some time in the middle of the day I got another whim (do you say that in english?) and went out jogging for about ten minutes - without a single stop! Made me so exhausted I coudlnät breathe and had to lay in a cold bath tud for like an hour (with a good book). I have to get in better shape, especielly if I'm actually going to apply to the military. Haven't made up my mind about that yet...

In the evening me and an old friend went to the movies. Saw the premiere of "The Omen" (on 2006-06-06, get it?) and it sucked. I mean, why do a remake if you're not gonna change everything? Anyway, me and her talked a lot and I began to think about why we don't see each other that often. If I hadn't left Ung Vänster it wouldn't be like that...

Been sitting at the computer for hours, just talking to people. Old friends, new friends, about nothing and everything and anything and something. Right now I'm talking to another cute little t-boy about writing and poetry. Comparing our way of writing... Interesting, ´how much you can learn from such a small thing as if someone somewhere else writes better alone or when there's people around. Makes you think, and thinking makes you write, and then it's good. At least in my world it is.

Chris came home this evening. Made me a bit scared. Chris wasn't supposed to come home until thursday morning... Says Chris missed Chris' train. Too bad, gets to see me anyway. But I haven't even got a hug, so I'm not sure I like right now... Or, well, I'm just being grumpy and selfish.

I guess.

(How come I always guess and never know?)

Monday, June 05, 2006

This moment (aka Sydsvenskan today)

Today (sunday that is) the article I wrote about last time got published in Sydsvenskan - with a picture on the front page and two enitre spreads inside the A part. Wich means there was three pictures of me. Actually kind of fun to see. Even thou I didn't say all the smartest things, I do think I was one of the best on that spread. Some said the strangest things... I also made me realise how terrible my hair looks. Have to get a haircut. Now.

Sitting in front of the computer with my friends all curlse up in and around the sofa, smoking [some disagreement about the word to use. let me discribe it instead: it's a kind og pipe, arabic or something, and you pour water into it and have tobacco with taste, and use charcoal and smoke it through a hose]. theres the girl from Blekinge who has been with me the enitre weekend to play with fire and just hang around. There's the boy who lives right across the street from my school, who's been hanging around here just to get out of home and away from his dad. There's the girl who used to be in the class I used to be in a year ago, and the girl who I got to know becouse the two girls are friends. They're both hanging here tonight to get away from Lund where they live, and do something else. We've been out playing with fire - staff, pois and fire blowing, fun fun fun! - and smoking a bit, with the stramgest "accidents" like the entire room filled with smoke, or a new burn mark in Chris' capet as results. But we've been having a great time, and I guess thatäs the most important part.

I just realised how much this means to me. To be able to sit at almost four in the morning, having wonderful friends around me, having experienced a fun evening and... I don't know, but this feels really special to me. Especially the friends-part. Somehow, it feels like we're all running away from something, thatäs what keeps us together. The Blekinge girl is running away from her small hometown, the boy is running away from his family, and the girls from Lund are running away from their boring everyday life.

What I'm running from? Everything, I think. My parents and the rest of my family, school, consequences and anxiety.

But tonight I feel just fine. My own runaway hideout for all of us... Welcome.