Monday, September 18, 2006

Election etc

Yesterday was election day - with a terrible result. Right wing government, and in my commune the fucking racists (Sverigedemokraterna) got more then 7%! That's like five or six seats... They got between 20% and 25% in Landskrona - that's between a fifth and a fourth of all the votes! I feel very sorry for you, all who lives in Landskrona. If you need to leave, my door is always open for you.

But on the other hand, the green party made one of the best elections ever, witch is great, and and even if F! (the Feminist Initiative, who got my vote) never reached the government, they got more then one percent of the votes and that will help them a lot. Yesterday I went home from the green partys election event early, crying like a baby, but today I feel a lot better. So, it went great for them this time, but next time - oh, don't even think about it! I'm gonna work my ass of for a great government and, above all, NO FUCKING RACISTS!!!

Today, I went to the hospital and got rid of my stitches. Got a look at the scar, and it's actually really cool, like a Z or a bolt of lightening or something. Beautiful. And the best of all: I can wash my hands without problems! Sooo fresh!

Now, I'm going to collect all the camera films and one time cameras that's lying around here and turn them in so I can get all the old photos - some are a coupple of years old, so I'm not even sure they can give me the pictures, but I guess it's worth a try. And them I'm, of course, going to RFSL Ungdom's office to see Chris. We're going to order our new MacBook Pro's and Ipod Nano's. In about a week, I will have a new computer!

So I'm going to turn off the scary nazi music I'm listening to (for fun... I'm strange) and leave. Just have to finish this song.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Sitting here in the sofa all by myself, Chris and Elias (from hereby known as Eskil :P ) are sleeping in the bedroom. Just wrote a new poem, wich is really good, but I still feel a lot of anxiety over not having enough new stuff for tuesday, or whenever we're supposed to be doing this spoken word thing again. I mean, I really love to reád me poetry out loud and I love playing with words and make people understand me by choosing the exact ways to formualate myself, but still, I haven't been feeling to great lately and then everything I write is full with anxiety and sadness, like all my old stuff, and it would be fun to read something new, something different... It's not all bad, this world we live in, it's just a bit hard to find the bright parts some times.

So here I am, blogging instead of writing stuff that I can actually use. And of course I don't really have anything to say, either... Listening to Deep Purple at the moment, that's nice. Eehm... OK, I can't figure out anything more to say. Honestly.

I'ss write some other time.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Trying to blogg

Let's see if I can do this by now...

This thursday, I finally got the operation in my right hand wrist that I've been longing for, for four years or so. Got rid of some stuff that's not supposed to be there. Got a lot of pain and inconveniense in return. Example: today, I wanted to eat. Noone home but me and Chris, and Chris was sleeping. To make some food, someone had to do the dishes. Result: I had to go out to eat, in this case a pizza. Well - I guess if I was REALLY broke, I could have put some bag on my hand (as I do in the shower) and done my best with the dishes, or eat more hard bread with red onion. On the other hand, just to vut the onion gives me the creepes, it hurts! And I get this strnge feeling that something's thightening my wrist to a certain posiyion, it kind of springs back. Guess it's the stitches, or just the bandaid, or both. Whatever.

I had the worst wake-up in ages after the operation. The nurse in the room where I laid in my little bed trying to make my head feel like it was actually attached to my shoulders were named Björn, and he tried to wake me up. He shaked my shoulder carefully and said "[My old name], time to wake up. Miss, are you OK?" Not fun at all. And when I'd been lying there for a while and started to get really bored, he offered me "VeckoRevyn" to read! (VeckoRevyn is a terrible lady's magazine that I'd rather die then read, especially in public). I answered by demanding King, a magazine about men's fashion, and when they were out of it I managed to make him bring me Illustrerad Vetenskap insted (a popular magazine about new science). Kind of boring, but anything's better then VeckoRevyn!

Friday me and Chris (and some other people of course, both people I know and some I didn't) went home to Jenny in Oxie for her farewell bbq party. She's leaving for the Czech Republic tomorrow, monday, and she'll be staying there for a year as an EVS (European Volountary Service). To make a long story a litte bit shorter, me and Jenny had something undefined including some kisses and cuddling that I really enjoyed just before summer, but since we haven't seen each other this entire summer and I never actually felt she was missing me as I were missing her, I thought I was kind of over her. It showed she'd actually missed me like crazy, and I discovered I wasn't over her at all. So about half an hour after my sms's to Vio when Herm decided to grab a train from Karlstad the next day (yesterday) to see me, I was making out with Jenny. I loved every second of it, and we ended up sleeping together (not having sex) in her parents big, cozy bed.

Saturday morning, I woke up thinking I wasn't at all having a bad conscience, witch I thought I would after friday night. Actually, I felt great, and we went of to attend to Sverigedemokraterna's meeting at a square. Sverigedemokraterna's a scary racist party that tries to get into the swedish riksdag (national assembly), and is doing quite well. We attended together with some other nice anti-racists, screaming a little and laughing at them. A bit of arguing, some guy accused me and some others of being racists (looong story) but after all, I think it went quite well - unfortunately both for us and them. We should have been at least three times as many, and we should have been able to do a lot more to sabotage, but I guess it was quite OK after all.

I relized how hard it is to find vegan everyday shoes, at least good looking, comfortable ones in Malmö. Found one pair, really really cool, but of course Stadium was out of my size in the entire Skåne, and are unable to ordes new ones of some fucking reason. So I'm still walking around in my old, really ugly leather shoes with holes, 'cause I can't find any others that's worth the money. (If I decide to pay for them at all... ;) )

Vio arrived, and we had a noce evening at Bodoni, listening to a feminist coir that I really love and having a few beers between the kisses. Ended the evening with some great sex. Today, I've been sleeping on the couch (with Chris) while Vio had a cup of coffee with Arawn, watched the movie Silent Hill at Leo's, watched other people playing the PS2 game Silent Hill, and had a walk with Popsy. Popsy is Vio'v adorable dog, a pappillion with attitude. Sweet and cuddly attitude :)

Now, I think I'm going to bed. My hand hurts a little bit more - it's to frustrating to write with one hand, so I write with both even thou I know I'll have to pay. That's what I mean with trying in the headline, if anyone didn't get it... Tomorrow Chris starts work at nine, Vio leaves at a quarter past four and me and Naomi might be going to Kristianstad to kick some homophobic ass (not litterary, that is).

Understand swedish? Check out, get pissed of and order their expensive material FOR FREE! They pay the stamps, and you get a free book (A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality). Yey!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Friday, saturday and Charmed - again

Okey, think it's time for a new blogg. Friday night: felt really, really bad. Got drunk. Ended up lost (for first time in my life), took a taxi home and laid in the bed crying with Chris hugging me the entire night. Not good.

New mission in life: find out who I am
How to do it: listen to myself, whatever that means
Who to do it: noone but me
When to do it: starting now, lasting very very long

Yesterday I played RPG (=role playing games) the entire day, with a few friends. Loved it. Love Geoffrey Johnson, my character. Love Vampire. Love a lot... :)

today: so far only Charmed, and boring breakfast. Later on, don't know. Broke again.

So, the content of this very short blogg covering a lot is that I've been feeling really bad, but that I've got a lot of support and that I feel a lot better again. And that I, theoreticaly, know what to do about it, even though I, practicaly, have no idea how to go through with it.

Fucking perfect.